Keto Diet Results – 8 Weeks Of Stupid Simple & Easy Weight Loss

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You’ve probably heard of the Keto Diet – it’s not just a passing trend but a method with enduring popularity. Initially, I was skeptical too.

The idea of eating primarily healthy fats and lean protein, while keeping carbs under 30 grams a day, seemed too straightforward to be effective.

But, as I discovered on my own keto journey, it’s far from a gimmick. In fact, it’s an incredibly effective way to shed pounds – 40 of them in my case!

Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

Key TakeawaysDetails
Understanding the Keto DietHigh-fat, low-carb diet that induces ketosis, where the body burns fat for energy.
Personal Experience with KetoMy keto diet led to 40 pounds of weight loss, with increased energy and mental clarity.
Benefits of KetoIncludes weight loss, improved blood sugar control, reduced inflammation, and enhanced brain function.
Dietary ApproachFocus on whole foods, high in fats and proteins, with less than 30 grams of carbs per day.
Keto GuidelinesIncludes not obsessing over ketones, counting calories, and strength training 3-4 times a week.
Electrolyte IntakeEmphasizes the importance of consuming adequate sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
Is Keto For You?Considerations include weight loss goals, carb dependency, daily routine, health status, patience level, lifestyle, food preferences, and long-term goals.
Exiting KetoGradually increase carbs and calories post-diet to avoid rapid weight gain.

What Is The Keto Diet?

The Keto Diet, short for ketogenic, is a high-fat, low-carb regimen aimed at inducing ketosis, a state where your body burns fat for energy instead of carbs.

This shift not only aids in weight loss but also brings additional health perks.

In ketosis, your liver produces ketones for energy, leading to potential benefits like increased energy, enhanced mental clarity, and improved focus.

While Keto isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, it’s certainly worth exploring if you’re aiming to lose weight and boost your overall health.

Benefits Of The Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet has been shown to have a number of potential benefits, although it’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person might not work for another.

Here are some of the potential benefits of keto that I’ve noticed myself.

  • Improved Blood Sugar Control – Low carbohydrate intake helps regulate blood sugar, beneficial for diabetes management.
  • Reduced Inflammation – Keto may lower inflammation, alleviating aches and pains.
  • Enhanced Brain Function – Ketosis can improve focus, mental clarity, and energy levels, reducing brain fog and energy crashes.
  • Burning Fats Instead of Carbs for Fuel – Transitioning from sugar burner to fat burner, utilizing stored body fat more efficiently.
  • VERY Hard to Overeat – High satiety from fats and proteins makes overeating less likely, aiding in maintaining a calorie deficit.
  • Slower Digestion Due to Fats – Fats slow down digestion, leading to sustained energy levels throughout the day.
  • Forces You to Eat More Protein (Higher Thermic Effect of Food) – Keto emphasizes high-fat animal food sources, increasing protein intake. Protein has a high thermic effect (about 30%), meaning consuming more protein can increase daily calorie burn.

My 8 Week Keto Diet Results

me before keto edited
Me before…
losing 40 lbs in 8 weeks on keto
and after!

The first time I ever did keto, I worked a very hard job at Goodwill, working at the donor door.

My schedule was pretty simple; I would go to work, come home and lift weights 3 days a week.

My workouts were very basic; I was Squatting 3 days a week, benching twice, deadlifting and pressing once, and of course, rows and pull-ups.

After every workout, I would take my Prowler (Weighted Sled) and push it 10 times, about 40 yards each push.

This was the setup that allowed me to drop 40 pounds in 2 months with my incredible keto diet progress.

My Plan To Lose 40 Pounds

During my 40-hour work week in a physically demanding job, I was all in on Keto.

My diet was straightforward: eggs, bacon, salads with cheese and salami, all without fancy recipes.

I was always energized, never hungry, and sailed through workouts and cardio with a clear mind and no crashes.

In just the first week, I dropped about 8 lbs, a mix of water weight and fat. It was the fastest I’d ever lost weight, and I was instantly hooked on Keto.

Throughout my journey, I didn’t bother with weighing or measuring food. I simply focused on high fat for energy, let protein handle itself, and kept carbs under 30 grams a day.

This uncomplicated approach was key to my success, leading me to a healthy weight.

Simple, effective, and totally doable!

Keto Guidelines

Alright, let’s dive into the Keto Guidelines, the real meat and potatoes (or, should I say, bacon and eggs?) of this diet.

Here’s a breakdown of what you should focus on if the basic plan I used above is stalling on you.

  • Don’t Worry About Ketones – Initially, I was obsessed with checking if I was in ketosis. But honestly, it’s more about how you feel. If you’re losing weight and feeling great, you’re on the right track.
  • Stick To Whole Food – Processed foods? No, thank you! I stuck to whole, unprocessed foods like meats, leafy greens, and nuts. This not only helped with ketosis but also improved my overall health.
  • Count Calories – Yes, even on Keto, calories matter. I never needed to count for my keto plan but you might not have the same luxury. When in doubt, just take your current bodyweight and multiply it by 12. That’s a good number to start with that won’t crush you with a huge deficit.
  • Strength Training 3-4x Per Week – This was crucial. Lifting weights helped maintain muscle mass and boosted my metabolism. Plus, it’s a great way to track progress beyond the scale.
  • Consider Dropping Dairy – Dairy can be inflammatory for some. I experimented with cutting it out and noticed less bloating and better skin. It’s worth a try if you’re not seeing results.
  • Slowly Lower Your Carb Intake – Going cold turkey can be tough. I started by cutting out obvious carbs and then gradually reduced them to under 30 grams per day. This made the transition smoother and more sustainable.
  • Weigh Your Food – Accuracy is key. I used a food scale to ensure I was on point with my macros, especially in the beginning.
  • Measure Your Progress – Not just the scale, but also body measurements and how my clothes fit. Sometimes the scale won’t budge, but you’ll still be losing inches.
  • Consume Your Micronutrients & Electrolytes – This is big. On Keto, it’s easy to become deficient in certain nutrients. I made sure to get:
    • Sodium – 5,000-7,000 mg per day
    • Potassium – 1,000-3,500 mg per day
    • Magnesium – 300-500 mg per day
    • Calcium – Aim for about 1,000 mg per day
    • Plus, a good multivitamin to cover any gaps.

Remember, these are guidelines based on my experience. It’s always smart to tailor them to your own body and needs.

Keto isn’t a one-size-fits-all, but with these strategies, you’re well on your way to making it work for you.

Keep it simple, stay consistent, and the results will follow!

Is Keto For You?

Deciding if the ketogenic diet is right for you is a personal journey, but let’s break it down to see if it aligns with your goals and lifestyle.

  • Your Weight Loss Goals – If traditional diets haven’t been cutting it and you’re looking for a change, Keto might be your golden ticket. It’s great for those who want to lose weight, especially if you’ve struggled with other methods.
  • Your Relationship with Carbs – Let’s face it, cutting carbs isn’t easy. If you’re someone who can say goodbye to bread, pasta, and sugar without looking back, Keto could be a good fit. But if the thought of giving up carbs makes you shudder, you might want to reconsider.
  • Your Daily Routine – Keto requires a bit of planning and preparation. If you’re up for meal prepping and mindful eating, you’re good to go. But if you’re always on the run and rely on quick meals, it might be challenging.
  • Your Health Status – If you have any underlying health conditions, especially related to metabolism or insulin, it’s crucial to talk to a healthcare professional before starting Keto. It can be beneficial for some conditions, but it’s not suitable for everyone.
  • Your Patience Level – Keto isn’t a quick fix. It takes time for your body to adjust and start showing results. If you’re patient and willing to stick with it, you could see some impressive changes.
  • Your Lifestyle – Are you an active person? Keto can work well for those who are into strength training or moderate exercise. However, if you’re into high-intensity sports, you might need more carbs than Keto allows.
  • Your Food Preferences – Love fatty foods like avocados, cheese, and meats? Keto will be a delight. But if you’re a vegetarian or not a fan of high-fat foods, it might be tough to adhere to.
  • Your Long-Term Goals – Think about your goals beyond just weight loss. If you’re looking for a lifestyle change that could potentially improve your overall health, Keto is worth considering. But if you’re looking for a quick diet to drop a few pounds, it might not be the best choice.


If you’re looking for a diet that’s really easy to stick to this might be the one for you! Plus your weight loss will come quickly, just make sure you have an exit strategy afterward.

You don’t want to go back to eating hundreds of grams of carbs, wonder why you gained a bunch of weight back, and have to diet again.

Increase your carbs and calories slowly after your keto diet, 25-50 grams a day is plenty. You will gain a little weight back in the form of stored water and glycogen.

This is normal, as long as you don’t start eating a ton right after the diet, you shouldn’t gain any body fat back at all.

Until next time,


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